Miroloja, a talented duo from the Parisian underground music scene, is made up of two brothers who share an immense passion for music. Together, they have cultivated a unique sound that fuses house music with percussive kicks and spacey, groovy rhythms, distinguishing them from other acts in the scene. The duo initially gained recognition by releasing their tracks under the enigmatic OLO unknown series, which quickly climbed the charts in various vinyl shops. Sensing the potential to develop their brand further, Miroloja decided to establish their own record label in 2018, naming it OLO Records. This venture allowed them to continue producing their own music, while also extending invitations to their favorite artists to create EPs under their label. Over the past few years, Miroloja’s success has only continued to grow.
They have released music on a number of prestigious labels, such as Yoyaku, Infuse, Joule, and Aku. In addition, they have embarked on a global tour, performing at major clubs and festivals around the world, showcasing their one-of-a-kind blend of house music which has earned them widespread acclaim from both the crowds and the critics.